Katherine Margaret, 47 years old, Malpura, India

Katherine Margaret


47 years old

Malpura, India

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I'm living in America United very good States of America New York City everything in New York City is very successful I'm a doctor in New York City my dad is an engineer my mum is a government worker in United States of America New York City I have the only son and my elder sister is working as a nurse my family is living very comfortable life in American we welcome strangers we welcome strangers very well America is a beautiful country that everyone will like to visit American have a very good government and American it very very comfortable nice happy country and have a security in American American is only country that welcome strangers you can welcome stranger very well and you have a hospital equipment that you can use to cure any type of disease in American American is a country that have been very good organised American is a country that be very very organised in whatever thing they are doing in their youth in the Education in their system of the road and very good worker and v

I am looking for

— 26-30
— Friendship

Living in very comfortable and successful women

About me

5 ft (151-153 cm)
91-100 kg
Some colllege
Currently not employed
— English
Yes, I have
Drink on holidays
Yes, we live together
Live with parents
Very beautiful things
Everything is verifying on mood

Preferences in partner

— Massage
At least one time a week
— Dancing